About; Who, Why, What and How
Who would need one of these?
…Any Business that wants to offer a Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Experience to their customers unlike any other…
![cables and no vr walking platforms = preventable accident fails](http://vrkiwi.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/vr-cable-falling-300x187.jpg)
…Any Individual* that wants to experience a fully immersive Virtual Reality Experience…
..that wants the natural feel and the freedom to physically walk and run in a Virtual Reality Experience
And the Why…
Why do you need one of these – for a Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Experience that feels Natural and is Safe!!
Currently VR experiences are missing the being able to
Physically and Naturally Walk and Run in VR- without limitations
- without rigid physical restraints
- without distance limitations
- on a floor that feels flat and natural – the floor area is flat and therefore feels natural, no matter what the length of your stride is
- to be able to physically run naturally like you do in real life
- safety assurance, on hand should you need it and without hindering your experience
- Easy to set up, workable within a 1.5x2m area, no construction requirements to house – “Plug and Play”
- Compatible with most VR headsets and Android VR capable Smart Phones
- Without tripping up on tethering cables attached to VR head sets
… just like you do in real life
What is it
A person stands on a treadmill that has VR kiwi’s clever tech, puts on a head set, selects their experience and away they go… Walking, Running, Looking and Interacting within the immersive environment.
VR kiwi provides the missing link – the freedom to be able to naturally and physically walk and run within Virtual Reality.
VR kiwi solution is the complete hardware and software including custom made experiences delivered – “plug and play”.
How do you get one of these? … well as a start-up we are really keen to talk to companies; including Museums, Tourism Venue Operators, VRcade operators, Gym & Fitness franchises, Health and Rehabilitation Institutes, actually the list goes on …. so if you are interested, let’s talk.
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For more videos – go to VR kiwi’s You Tube channel
Industry Assocation
Virtual Reality kiwi is a Member of The NZ VR/AR Association
Finalist for Discovering Gold category for 2017 Wellington Gold Award
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